It can be so tough to get out for date night with your spouse. You have to find a night that works for both of you- no meetings, kids’ softball games, or engagements with friends. If you have children, you have to find (and pay) a trusted babysitter. As a mom of three kids four and under, with all our family four or more hours away, I totally get it. Sometimes, my husband Chris and I have to make do with at-home date night, which can be lovely. But when we are able to leave the house for a date, that is special in a totally different way. Here are some reasons I really encourage you to put in the effort to get out for a date together every now and then. 1. Keeping date night shows your spouse that you prioritize him or her. Choose a date on the calendar, and don’t let anything else get in the way of that special time you have chosen to spend together. Your husband or wife is the most important person in your life- show them that! 2. Dates are a great chance to learn something new about your spouse. I already know what Chris likes on his sandwiches and how he likes his eggs cooked. But if we went out for dim sum or Ethiopian food, I bet we would both learn something new about one another’s taste! I love that there’s always something new to learn about your spouse, whether you have been married just a year or 50 years. 3. Getting out of the house can make us take a step back and look at bigger-picture stuff. At home, Chris and I often chat about the day-to-day: funny things our toddlers said, what we need from the grocery store, etc. But when we break the routine and change up our setting a little, it’s different. We step back and examine how our marriage is going, how parenting is going, how life as a whole is going. We can encourage one another on the journey, and reevaluate our routines where necessary. This is really important for us to do every month or so! 4. Dates help us make new memories. Don’t get me wrong, I love lying on the couch watching Brooklyn 99 with Chris, but we rarely tell stories that start, “Remember that one night, watching Netflix?” When we get out of the house, we can make memories together and bond over new experiences. This is especially true if we don’t just go out for dinner but opt for something more unique instead. For example, we have enjoyed antique shopping, nature walks, and live performances together. Some of these have been cheap or even free, but we had so much fun and we still love reminiscing about those times months or years later. Happy dating! feature friday authorCaitrin Bennett is a stay-at-home Catholic mama and aspiring author who loves sitting on the beach with a frozen margarita. She blogs about married saints and Catholic marriage at Caitrin lives wherever the Coast Guard sees fit (currently, North Carolina) with her husband of five years, Chris, and their three young children.
How many times have you been inspired to do something but squashed it in your mind before you even had a chance to explore the idea? For me, that’s a lot! I was recently reminded I’m not dreaming BIG enough. How about you? I know, I know, the whole world is telling you what you’re not doing all the time but when it comes to what you want to be, do, and have, DREAM BIG to let God alongside you. You know what we are when we don't dream big? Thieves. Yes, I said it. More than likely your big dream will serve others, don't rob them of what you have to offer! God wants us to dream big and serve one another. So here’s how to start serving... Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate. When we dream big we get curious, ask big, get creative, and build our faith! What’s something in your life that you haven’t gotten curious enough about? Oftentimes our big dreams require big support from experts. You may need to ask someone outside your usual circle of influence, a coach, a financial advisor, or a mentor the steps you need to take to reach your big dream. When you ask up, you want to go up. You have to know what you’re aiming for... When you get curious about your big dream, you may find that what you thought were big obstacles are actually big breakthroughs.
Get creative with how you achieve your big dream. Most likely your big dream is just that because it seems out of reach financially, physically, or geographically… Try brainstorming all the ways the big dream can happen, create a vision board for yourself so your big dream is always in plain sight, or try journaling daily on your progress towards your big dream. The point is, don't keep all the awesomeness inside, let it out! A big dream also means you have faith in your future. You may have heard the phrase, fake it 'till you make it, I prefer, faith it ‘till you make it! You most likely aren’t faking it to get anywhere, you’re trying! And each try gets you closer to your big dream. So if fear of taking a risk is holding you back, please consider that if no one pushed beyond the walls of their comfort zone, the whole word would be stuck. God has big plans for you, lean in, get quiet so you can hear Him, and ask Him for direction. Remember, confidence is a result of action. Take steps toward your big dream and confidence and faith will build. What's your big dream? Does it have a big ask? Here's a big dream of mine, along with a big ask. Will you join me for the journey? I remember the first time I heard the phrase "know your worth". It was decades ago while I was watching the movie Joy Luck Club with my Mom. In the film a mother is referring to her daughter's choices and what she has allowed in her life - especially her marriage. Fast forward to a family and business of my own and I get this... What does it mean to know your self-worth? I see three keys to determining your self-worth: legacy, freedom, and boundaries. Legacy is the impact you have after you're gone. It's not inheritance, it's spiritual. What will you be known for after you're gone? Why do you do what you do? What is your mission? Are you constantly the cranky mommy or do you intentionally build time for a break?
You'll find freedom in living your legacy now. When you live life on purpose, you gain clarity on what doesn't serve you or your legacy. You also gain clarity on how you can serve others. It means you can start saying "no" and be okay with it. It means you can start building boundaries around what you will allow and not allow in your life. When you start creating boundaries around how you will show up in your personal life and business life, and who you're willing to accommodate, all of the sudden you find more time. Time is your most precious resource because once it's gone, that's it. Don't waste it. Knowing your self-worth means getting clear on your legacy. Knowing your legacy helps you create freedom and build boundaries so you can live a life of purpose on purpose. Need help determining your self-worth? Download the Ziglar legacy action guide. |
AuthorI coach you to transform your life one simple choice at a time! I'm a proud boymom and licensed Ziglar Life Coach. Tea, big earrings, living a non toxic lifestyle, and creative evangelization are some of my loves... Archives
April 2022