Resolutions? Nope. Word of the Year? That's fun! Goals? Always! Do you feel like you're on top of the world each January only to feel like a failure by the end of February? Know that you're not alone and that reaching your goals doesn't have to be complicated... Here are three things you can do now to set yourself up for a beautiful new year. 1. Invest time in writing out your goals. This is your energy, your relationships, you career we’re talking about so this task is worth your time. Write out your goals the old fashioned way, with a pen and paper. People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to reach them and those with an accountability partner are 90% more likely to reach their goals! Why not set yourself up for success right away with this simple task? It's fun! Don't limit yourself, get it all out... 2. Good things keep us from great things. Are you sacrificing what you want most for what you want now? In our Amazon Prime world, delayed gratification is hard so we keep chasing the next shiny object, when what we should be doing is keeping our eyes focused on what we want most. You can lessen this temptation by, wait for it, writing your goals down! Keep them in a prominent place where you review them daily or create a vision board. List the benefits of reaching your goal and write down what obstacles may come your way. Awareness is key and going back to that benefits list will help you overcome those obstacles when they arise. 3. Ask yourself this question daily and as many times as you need to: Will this bring me closer to or further from my goal(s)? That's it. This simple question will keep you focused and in alignment. You may not always like the answer but happiness is temporary and joy lasts.
Need some help setting yourself up for a beautiful new year? Download the goal setting guide I use.
AuthorI coach you to transform your life one simple choice at a time! I'm a proud boymom and licensed Ziglar Life Coach. Tea, big earrings, living a non toxic lifestyle, and creative evangelization are some of my loves... Archives
April 2022