How many times have you been inspired to do something but squashed it in your mind before you even had a chance to explore the idea? For me, that’s a lot! I was recently reminded I’m not dreaming BIG enough. How about you? I know, I know, the whole world is telling you what you’re not doing all the time but when it comes to what you want to be, do, and have, DREAM BIG to let God alongside you. You know what we are when we don't dream big? Thieves. Yes, I said it. More than likely your big dream will serve others, don't rob them of what you have to offer! God wants us to dream big and serve one another. So here’s how to start serving... Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate. When we dream big we get curious, ask big, get creative, and build our faith! What’s something in your life that you haven’t gotten curious enough about? Oftentimes our big dreams require big support from experts. You may need to ask someone outside your usual circle of influence, a coach, a financial advisor, or a mentor the steps you need to take to reach your big dream. When you ask up, you want to go up. You have to know what you’re aiming for... When you get curious about your big dream, you may find that what you thought were big obstacles are actually big breakthroughs.
Get creative with how you achieve your big dream. Most likely your big dream is just that because it seems out of reach financially, physically, or geographically… Try brainstorming all the ways the big dream can happen, create a vision board for yourself so your big dream is always in plain sight, or try journaling daily on your progress towards your big dream. The point is, don't keep all the awesomeness inside, let it out! A big dream also means you have faith in your future. You may have heard the phrase, fake it 'till you make it, I prefer, faith it ‘till you make it! You most likely aren’t faking it to get anywhere, you’re trying! And each try gets you closer to your big dream. So if fear of taking a risk is holding you back, please consider that if no one pushed beyond the walls of their comfort zone, the whole word would be stuck. God has big plans for you, lean in, get quiet so you can hear Him, and ask Him for direction. Remember, confidence is a result of action. Take steps toward your big dream and confidence and faith will build. What's your big dream? Does it have a big ask? Here's a big dream of mine, along with a big ask. Will you join me for the journey?
AuthorI coach you to transform your life one simple choice at a time! I'm a proud boymom and licensed Ziglar Life Coach. Tea, big earrings, living a non toxic lifestyle, and creative evangelization are some of my loves... Archives
April 2022