Why Dreaming Big Isn’t “Woo-woo”
“Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate” (Mother Angelica).

How many times have you talked yourself out of creating something before you even had a chance to explore the idea? I know I’ve done it. Recently, my coach reminded me that I’m not dreaming big enough. As I pondered this statement, I realized that when we dream big, it’s not about us; it’s about God.
Do you think dreaming big is all about you? Think again. Your big dream will likely serve others—so, don’t rob them of what you have to offer! When we dream big, we become curious and creative, and we build our faith. I invite you to ponder three benefits of dreaming big so you can bless others:
1. When We Don’t Nurture Our Curiosity, We Limit Our Potential

Often, our big dream requires big support. You may need to ask someone outside your usual circle of influence, such as a coach, a financial adviser, or a mentor, the steps you need to take to reach your big dream. When you are curious about your big dream, you may find that what you thought were obstacles are actually breakthroughs.
2. Be Creative With How You Achieve Your Big Dream

Your big dream may seem beyond your reach financially, physically, or geographically. (Of course it does! It’s big!) Try brainstorming all the ways your big dream can happen. Create a vision board for yourself so your big dream is always in plain sight, or try journaling your daily progress toward your big dream. The point is not to keep all the awesomeness inside. Let it out so you can grow!
3. A Big Dream Means You Have Hope and Faith in Your Future

You may have heard the phrase, “Fake it till you make it.” I prefer, “Faith it till you make it!” You aren’t faking your way through life; you’re trying. Each try brings you closer to your big dream. So, if fear of taking a risk is holding you back, remember that you don’t know how anything in your life will turn out until you make a choice. God has plans for you, so make room for him on your journey. Be quiet enough to hear him and ask him for direction. Even one step toward your big dream will build your faith. Confidence will come after you take action.
What’s one step you can take in the direction of your big dream? Take that step now.