Ponder and Surrender Like Mary
“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

Editor’s note: This Advent, the Catholic Women in Business team is exploring the many ways God calls us to cooperate with his will and how we can proclaim our own “fiat.” Join our writers as they share their personal and professional experiences, lessons learned, and reflections from Scripture and the saints on discernment, trust, and surrender. Read more here.
We know fiat means “let it be done.”
Letting something be done means you don’t have to work so hard. It means you’re relying on someone else to take care of things.
Imagine if you were content with letting the Lord’s will be done with every aspect of your life.
While we don’t know how long Mary’s encounter with Gabriel actually lasted, I have always felt the certainty in her fiat and been in awe of her prompt reply. In the Annunciation passage, Mary shows us it’s possible to make a big decision simply and with clarity through reflection and surrender.
Do You Ponder Like Mary?

Have you ever pondered Mary’s pondering?
I used to be the “say yes and figure it out later” type. As I grow in my work and my faith, however, I allow more time for self-reflection when it comes to making personal and professional choices. I learn a lot by reviewing my crosses and victories. I can see patterns in my thinking more easily and the path the Lord is guiding me on more clearly. A practice of regular self-reflection makes your next choice simpler, because you can make sure your “yes” or “no” is aligned with your purpose.
Even though there is curiosity in how the angel Gabriel greets her and how this baby will live in her, Mary’s faith—her closeness to God—means she can give her “yes” quickly and with certainty.
When we’re called to say “yes” to our vocation (whether in work, family, or both), we are often excited but get tripped up on how it is all going to work out. It’s in journeying through the how that we have to rely on faith until we can see the fruit of our labors.
Do You Surrender Like Mary?

When my coaching clients come to me, they are wondering how they’re going to go from where they are now to where they want to be. It takes saying “yes” to and taking action on that one thing that seems impossible. The “how” requires surrender— which is not easy.
What if we let it be easy, because we trust in the Lord and know that he is in charge? Mary stepped out in faith and surrendered with a big “yes.” Gabriel answered all the “hows” almost immediately by telling her, “Nothing will be impossible for God” (Luke 1:37).
Surrendering all that we are and have to the Lord means letting him lead us. He will use our best efforts for the good, even though it may take us along a different path than we envisioned.
When I began my theatre ministry based on the Rosary, I said to Mary, “You’re driving this, not me.” Making the choice to surrender has been a relief; it’s taken the pressure off me as a solo performer and made decisions around my work simpler. I don’t always understand what the speed limit is or where exactly she’s taking me, but I don’t have to. I know she’ll always steer me and my audience closer to her Son.