Three Ways to Maximize a Retreat
Liz Montigny shares three tips for making the most of your experience before, during, and after a retreat.
During Lent, many of us will participate in a parish mission or attend a day of reflection, and some of us may take a pilgrimage or a experience a retreat; speaking as a retreat leader (and past guest), here are three considerations for you to maximize your experience:
Be Receptive
Enter into the mission, day of reflection, or retreat experience with an open mind and heart. Leave your prejudgments at the door. Be present and fully participate—whether that’s actively listening to talks or making the effort to be present in a workshop setting.
More than likely, God will place a particular theme on your heart to ponder or will help you look at something you’ve been struggling with in a new way. Take notes so you can spend some time reflecting on these themes when you return to your daily life.

Act on Your Resolutions
Don’t overthink, do. As soon as you walk out the door or get on the plane to return home, you have a fresh start. Step out in faith and take action on what you decide you must change or take away from your life.
Remember, don’t try to take the whole staircase at once, that is, resolve to change your life one step at a time. This will lessen overwhelm and help you keep track of your progress. Many people underestimate what they can accomplish by taking small steps with consistent persistence over a long period of time.
You will stumble. It’s part of life. But it’s in those missteps and challenges where we learn and grow the most.

Give Yourself Grace
Don’t race down from your mountain top! You may experience a “retreat high”—good! Be mindful of this feeling because it won’t last. Ask for the grace to return to these feelings when you have to carry your crosses, little or big, in your daily life. Give thanks for the experience you were given and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Lent isn’t always about taking something away, sometimes it’s about adding something too. Lent is a new season for the Church; let it be a new season for you too.