The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Understanding
“Come, O Spirit of Understanding, enlighten our minds with the light of your eternal truth and the riches of holy thoughts” (from the Holy Spirit Chaplet by Blessed Elena Guerra).

Note from the editor: This article is part of a series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Read the articles about knowledge, fortitude, counsel, fear of the Lord, piety, and wisdom.
Last Pentecost, I participated in the consecration of the Holy Spirit (similar to a Marian consecration, or the consecration to St. Joseph). It was a simple but powerful preparation of praying the chaplet of the Holy Spirit as a novena leading up to the consecration, then attending a Mass and consecration ceremony. Since then, I have been blessed with many fruits from the consecration, both personally and professionally.
In “My Catholic Faith,” Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D., writes that the gifts of the Holy Spirit help “[make] us more alert to discern and more ready to do the will of God.” He defines the gift of understanding as being “enabled to recognize the true Catholic teaching, and to detect false doctrines.” That seems like a tall order when so many people embrace the idea of living their personal truth! You don’t need to be consecrated to the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of understanding, but you do need to invite the Holy Spirit into your life.
Here are some simple ways to do just that and to use the gift of understanding:
1. Prayer

Start your day (or your work time) with prayer. Keep it simple, and consider setting the mood by lighting a candle or adding your favorite scent to your diffuser as you pray the Prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the holy spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations.
Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Next, ask God what he wants you to do today. Take a few minutes to sit in silence and allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you. Taking some intentional time in silence may not have you hearing angels, but it will help you focus. This little practice takes me less than five minutes and gives me peace of mind.
2. Relationships

In what ways are you leading your family to “true Catholic teaching”? One simple and fun idea is living liturgically. The seasons of the Church are rich and can enlighten hearts and minds gently. During Holy Week this year, I colored coloring sheets with my youngest. It was a chance for us to play together and an opportunity for me to make sure he understood the basics of the Triduum.
If you’re single, consider how you can be a source of spiritual influence to your circle of friends. In what ways is your life a witness to your faith?
Whatever activity you choose, keeping it simple takes the pressure off you and makes it easier for others to receive what you have to share.
3. Work

In your work, how can you be that witness to your faith with your colleagues or your audience? How can you lead them to the true teachings of the Church? Often, being a witness to what you love about your faith is a version of the work of mercy “admonishing the sinner.” Think about how you can pique curiosity in your colleagues or audience to invite them to ask a question about your faith. Again, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your words and actions.
If you’re not intentional about inviting the Holy Spirit into your day, how can you expect to enjoy the fruits of the Spirit? Just like with your temporal needs, if you don’t do the work, you can’t expect to enjoy the fruit of your labors.